0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by law_with_doll Published Sept. 9 2020 03:12 PM 🍂 BPC STATIONERY READY 🍂 - Honestly stationery makes me so happy! Especially when it looks as good as this! - I have invested in a lot of essentials for the BPC, this includes folders, lots of sticky notes and tabs, and highlighters! - I have bought these all from frompaperchase, whsmithofficial , homebargains, bm_stores and amazon! - I have tried to be organised and buy everything I need in advance of the course, although I’m sure I’ll end up buying more! - I cannot wait to start the course in a couple of weeks and put this all to good use 💞 - - - - - - - - #stationery #stationeryaddict #newstationery #backtouni #backtouniversity #bpc #unioflaw #unioflawbirmingham law_with_doll (@law_with_doll) posted on Instagram September 09, 2020 14:12