0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by law_with_doll Published Nov. 6 2020 09:03 AM 🍂 HOW I’M FINDING THE BPC🍂 - So it’s now well into the BPC course and I have a few things to say! - Firstly, no amount of prep in the world will make you ready for this course, it’s so different to anything I have ever done before. - Having said that, the practical element to this course really does make you feel like you are doing something to get closer to your dream of becoming a barrister. - I love the practical side doing conferences and cross-examinations! However there is a lot of reading and at times it’s been extremely hard to motivate myself to do it. - I can’t believe that I am so close to my first assessment, and the course really is flying by, which is why I am taking the time to make sure I try and do everything to the best of my ability. - I’ve recently been drafting Particulars of Claim and Opinion Writing and I definitely prefer drafting! - The Pupillage gateway opens for browsing very soon so a lot of my time will also be taken up applying for Pupillage’s! - It’s a lot to do but I have recently made a structure and schedule that I am trying to keep to so that I don’t miss anything! - - If any of you are doing the same course, I’d love to hear your thoughts on it so far!💓 - - - - #barrister #bpc #barstudent #unioflawbirmingham #unioflaw law_with_doll (@law_with_doll) posted on Instagram November 05, 2020 21:57