0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by laurendoeslaw Published Apr. 17 2020 09:57 AM 🌷✨LPC IN LOCKDOWN✨🌷 I’ve shared candidly on my stories that trying to find motivation to study during lockdown has definitely been a struggle! With lots more time of my hands I’ve instead been focused on my paralegal role rather preparing for June exams. Up until last week, I had no idea if I would be able to finish my LPC exams (and therefore start my TC in September) which in itself is pretty demotivating and stressful. Not like the last 4 years have been for this right?!?!HOWEVER, thankfully the SRA have now taken the decision to allow us to sit our electives online from home. (THANK GOD)☺️ This decision has definitely helped with increasing my motivation to get back into study mode and start completing some of my tables/checklists etc in preparation for my June elective exams! And u_law have been fab at getting online virtual workshops up and running to try and minimise disruption to our studies! I thought I’d share with you some of my top tips for staying motivated during this period: ✨ Have a banging playlist🎶 ✨ Listen to yourself - consider what time of day/where you are most productive! (I’m rubbish in the afternoons and sitting in bed) ✨ Alternative your revision techniques from cue-cards, mind maps, essay planning, past papers, tables, checklists. Nobody is going to be motivated just reading out of a textbook or making boring notes documents. (Check out my highlight ‘checklists’ for some ideas) ✨Take days off - we all have so much more time on our hands, take time to rest and practice much needed self-care ✨Remember the end goal - my absolute DREAM is to become a solicitor, remind yourself why you’ve worked so hard already. ✨ Have a positive mindset! We’re so lucky to have this time to focus on finishing our studies with minimal social distractions. ✨If you are studying electives on the LPC then you are SO close to finishing! Just think, after 4 years you’ll be done!!☺️☺️☺️ I hope you’re all staying safe💖💖 . . . . . . . . #ulaw #motivation #lpc #lpcinlockdown #law #lawstudents #womeninlaw #lawschool #uni #positivity #futuresolicitor #futuretrainee #TC #trainingcontract #wfh laurendoeslaw (@laurendoeslaw) posted on Instagram April 07, 2020 19:49