Live Prospectus - by the people who know us best, our students

Instagram shot by laurendoeslaw

✨📚PREPARING FOR OPEN BOOK EXAMS📚✨⁣ ⁣ You guys know I think sharing the true reality of the LPC is so important and has been a key factor of my success so far on this legal platform! ⁣ ⁣ SO, this is me today, surrounded by books, folders and paper! I’ve spent over 4 hours organising, tabbing, printing and sorting my folders now that I’ve finished my electives! I am a massive believer that organisation and good preparation is the ABSOLUTE key to doing well in any exams, but especially LPC open book exams. (Thank goodness my core results reflect this😂) ⁣ ⁣ Following my poll a few days ago on my stories, I thought I’d share my top tips for open book exams: ⁣ ✨Create condensed tables and checklists for the key topics (check out my ‘LPC checklists’ highlight for examples)⁣ ✨Colour coordinate everything, this semester I’ve done blue for commercial, purple for advanced real estate and green for employment - my revision tables also reflect this. ⁣ ✨ Tab efficiently! I also colour code the tabs in my folders and make sure I write the colour code down. ⁣ ✨ Print (if you can) everything relevant! You don’t want to be remembering you have notes or a document on your computer but you didn’t print (not so relevant during lockdown) ⁣ ✨ Have a separate folder for your key revision tables/checklists ⁣from your lecture/workshop notes/guides. ✨Keep a revision checklist to stay organised. ✨Write the workshop titles at the front of the folders (so you can find the exam question topic easily)⁣ 📚If you are still doing your LLB/GDL prep as many past paper questions as possible for your revision using bullet points (include key cases/journal article quotes - make them as detailed as possible). So many exam Q’s are the same/similar as previous years. ⁣ ⁣ If you’d asked me 6 months ago if I’d be sharing a picture with my hair up, no makeup and glasses on to over 3,000 of you - I’d say absolutely no chance! But I’m a big believer in showing a true picture of the preparation behind good results and this is a true reflection of how I spent the majority of my day, on the floor surrounded by folders! I also CANNOT thank u_law enough for how they have handled this change in circumstances!

laurendoeslaw (@laurendoeslaw) posted on Instagram