0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by jld_surrey Published Oct. 28 2020 10:40 AM Great to chat to #ULaw students who attended our and jld_bbo’s booths at u_law’s Autumn Careers Fair on #trainingcontract tips and juniorlawyersdivision 🤝 We trust you find our tips helpful and wish you all the best for your mocks! 🤞⚖️ #surrey #berks #bucks #oxon #juniorlawyers #aspiringlawyers #law #lawstudent #legalprofession #jldsurrey #bettertogether #JLD #juniorlawyersdivision #traineesolicitor #lawsociety #law #legal #networking #lawyersinlockdown #solicitors #lawyerlife jld_surrey (@jld_surrey) posted on Instagram October 23, 2020 06:12