0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by jasmyns_legal_journey Published Feb. 26 2021 02:18 PM ✨ Masters Certificate ✨ Finally received my certificate for my Medical Law and Ethics LLM. Even though I got my results back a while ago, it now feels official! I still can’t believe I managed to get a Distinction 🙀 It was very bizarre studying completely remote for the first time, and also having online exams, but I’m so proud of myself and everyone else in my class for pushing through in such a hard and uncertain time! Well done everybody 🎉 #lawgraduate #ulaw #masters #lawstudent #law #studygram #legaljourney #lawstudies #studycommunity #legalblogger jasmyns_legal_journey (@jasmyns_legal_journey) posted on Instagram February 17, 2021 19:48