0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by itsthelegalblog Published Dec. 3 2020 08:41 AM Happy Tuesday! 🌞 - Today is my class free day, so I’m going to use it by consolidating & catching up on work from the last week ! - One thing that helps me revise and learn is using a range of pretty highlighters! I always colour co-ordinate my notes so that when I need a certain bit of information, I can use the colour codes to find it easily. - This is my system: 🧡 Orange is for Titles 💛 Yellow if for key words 💚 Green is for authorities ( cases & legislation etc. ) 💙 Blue is for headings 💜 Purple is numbers &/or lists 💗 Pink is for sub-headings - Do you colour code your notes too? - Tate 💛 - #law #study #legal #studygram #legalblog #student #lawstudent #morivation #solicitor #notes #notetaking #lawyer #lawyerlife⚖ #lawstudentlife📚 #lawschool #lawschoolproblems #uni #ulaw #university itsthelegalblog (@itsthelegalblog) posted on Instagram November 24, 2020 10:26