0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by hannah_jayne99 Published Apr. 7 2021 03:04 PM Still one of the proudest moments of my life! I got my certificate around a month or two ago and honestly I’m still in complete disbelief that I have a law degree!! Hopefully I’ll be able to actually graduate this year (covid keeps postponing it). #graduatelawschool #classof2020 #lawdegree #lawdegree🎓 #lawgraduate #ulawgrad2020 #ulawgrad #ulaw #wedidit #degreecertificate #degreestudent #graduating #beauty1999_lashes #jeffreestar #jeffreestarcosmetics #jeffreestarapproved hannah_jayne99 (@hannah_jayne99) posted on Instagram April 03, 2021 11:11