0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by elizadoeslaw Published Dec. 16 2020 01:10 PM Last night I had a bit of a wake up call. I’d lie in until 8, log on to start work (from home) at 9 and then work until 5. By this point I was pretty tired and just wanted to relax for the rest of the day, which meant the last thing I wanted to do was study. So this morning I woke up at 6am and started revising at 6:30am. I figured if I get at least 2 hours of studying in before work, anything I do after 5 is a bonus. Hoping I can stick to the system and my first exam is only 2 months away and something needed to change. #LawSchool #LawStudent #FutureLawyer #FutureBarrsiter #UniversityOfLaw #BPTC #BPC #Motivation #Studyspo elizadoeslaw (@elizadoeslaw) posted on Instagram December 16, 2020 07:49