0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by elizadoeslaw Published Dec. 11 2020 04:52 PM Good morning! I wanted to start the day with one of my favourite photos from my undergrad law degree. This was during my second year on studying when I entered an internal mooting competition. For the final, my partner and I competed at the Supreme Court and won our case (but not the moot!). This moment is what made me realise that maybe I do have what it takes to become a barrister. Whenever I feel like I’ve just lucked my way to where I am now I have to remember everything I have achieved to earn my place on the BPTC. If you’re studying for a law degree or any higher, don’t forget that you’re there because someone out there knows you are capable of succeeding. #LawSchool #LawStudent #FutureLawyer #FutureBarrsiter #UniversityOfLaw #BPTC #BPC #thesupremecourt #supremecourt elizadoeslaw (@elizadoeslaw) posted on Instagram December 09, 2020 08:35