0 Likes Like This 1 Like Work Instagram shot by darrenbroadlaw Published Nov. 3 2021 09:51 AM So I did a post around successes and rejections last year and made these folders to keep up my motivation! Today whilst tidying I found them again and it has been a real moment of reflection for me in how far I have come in a year. I think reflecting on how far you have come is so important. Since the start of university I have been so busy and haven’t really taken a moment to sit back and congratulate myself. I know many others feel the same way in the law community, so if you have read this far on this post then take a moment to congratulate yourself. Law is such a hard career to break into and as law students we don’t always recognise how much we achieve on the way to reaching out goals of a TC/Pupillage etc... So congratulate yourself, and recognise your successes and rejections as valid experiences! #law #lawstudent #trainingcontract #vacationscheme #llb #lawfirm #pupillage #ulaw #aspiringlawyer #lawdegree🎓 #progress #motovation #sucesses #rejection darrenbroadlaw (@darrenbroadlaw) posted on Instagram November 02, 2021 19:50