0 Likes Like This 5 Like Work Instagram shot by darrenbroadlaw Published Nov. 22 2021 11:58 AM ~ROUTINE~ When people reach out to me asking for advice on their degree and balancing their time this is always my No1 tip! Getting into a routine is so important to manage your time and all your commitments. After a hectic start to the semester I really feel like I have found my rhythm now rather than feeling overloaded with work. My best tip is a simple one which is just to use a diary! Plan your week in advance. Write in your lectures and when you are going to do your reading and fit everything else around that. Once you can visualise the week ahead and see that you have the time to get everything done it allows you to focus on the task in hand rather than worrying about all the work you have to get done. It also stop your forgetting any events/zoom calls... you had scheduled! Once you keep at a routine for a few weeks you’ll find it all becomes habit! What’s youd best tip for staying on top of your work? #law #lawblogger #revision #thirdyearlawstudent #tips #timemanagement #llb #lawdegree🎓 #lawstudent #ulaw #futuretraineesolicitor #lawfirm darrenbroadlaw (@darrenbroadlaw) posted on Instagram November 20, 2021 13:20