0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by darrenbroadlaw Published Aug. 31 2020 02:59 PM Today I’m back in the shed to work on compiling a list of application dates and deadlines. The next step is going to be working on thoroughly researching the firms I have whittled down 😅. I have a month until uni beings again so I am going to use this time to get most of my applications for vacations schemes done! #law #applicationseason #vacationscheme #trainingcontract #lawfirm #lawfirmresearch #aspiringsolicitors #lgbt #aspiringlawyer #llb #lawstıdent #lawdegree #lawdegree🎓 #lawundergraduate #career #prgoress #ulaw darrenbroadlaw (@darrenbroadlaw) posted on Instagram August 31, 2020 13:59