0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by daisydoeslaw Published July 9 2020 04:04 PM After being out of a routine for so long I’m going to start to do some preparation for September to help me feel more organised for when it comes around, (whether it be online or in person)! ✨ I’ve been reading through the information I received and notes I took during my open day at Exeter again in an attempt to motivate myself! Not only this, but I’m going to look into doing some online courses that might support my learning next year! Is there any reading materials that those who have completed the LPC would recommend before starting the course? 🤍 #law #lpc #legalpracticecourse #universityoflaw #universityofexeter #preparation #postgraduatestudy #anybookrecommendations daisydoeslaw (@daisydoeslaw) posted on Instagram July 09, 2020 15:04