0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by anotherlawgirl Published Apr. 9 2021 10:24 AM 📚it’s consolidation week📚 ▪️ there’s no timetabled teaching this week and I’m so 👏🏻 freaking 👏🏻 happy 👏🏻 about 👏🏻 that 👏🏻 I’m still super busy but it’s given me a bit of breathing space, which I really needed ▪️ I had two mocks last week in equity & tort and next week I’ve got mocks in contract & land, so this week I’m organising all of my notes to prep for those ▪️ also I’m soooo nearly finished prepping my workshops (bit rogue, but I prep them WAY in advance so that at the end of term I can focus on essays etc). so I’m using this consolidation week to focus on that, so hopefully I’ll have them all prepped by next week🤞🏻 ▪️ #law #student #lawstudent #mockexams #consolidationweek #uni #leeds #workfromhome #stayhome #ulaw anotherlawgirl (@anotherlawgirl) posted on Instagram March 10, 2021 08:16