0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by annas.legaldiaries Published June 18 2021 09:45 AM ✨Ready for my first elective exam✨ 🌺Tomorrow marks the first of my elective exams- Employment. I quite enjoyed employment as an elective due to the structured approach to questions and use of lots of flowcharts! 🌺I feel surprisingly calm entering into this exam period, I think this is due to my mindset that if I managed to get through the CPA’s I can get through the electives that I chose to study and enjoyed! 🌺I never tend to work too late the night before an exam, as I know how important it is for me to make sure my body is relaxed and stress free. I am taking some time to watch some Netflix and have an early night which I feel will be beneficial for tomorrow. 🌺Good luck to everyone beginning exams this week and if you’re feeling nervous, take some time before to try and relax☕️ (we are pros at sitting exams at this point!) 🌺Trust that your hard work will pay off! #examseason #lpc #ulaw #lawstudent annas.legaldiaries (@annas.legaldiaries) posted on Instagram June 15, 2021 20:16