0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by annas.legaldiaries Published Apr. 9 2021 09:53 AM ✨Starting electives✨ 🌟 The week is finally here that we start our electives! These are our chosen subjects that we study from now until June. 🌟I have been so excited to start my electives and have chosen subjects I enjoyed studying at undergrad; Advanced Criminal, Family, Employment and Personal Injury & Clinical Negligence. 🌟My tips for anyone choosing electives would be to choose subjects you genuinely enjoy or have an interest in as the LPC is hard enough as it is! If you have a particular area you want to go into or a firm you are interested in specialises in a particular area then that may also help you pick. 🌟Obviously I had to buy some pretty pastel folders for my new subjects and matching highlighters. I feel like this is a nice fresh start and I am excited to get going! 🌟I hope everyone has a lovely week and enjoys studying their new subjects! Better times are coming people ☀️ #ulaw #generationonline #universityoflaw #legalpracticecourse #lpc #lawblogger #lawstudent #legalblogger annas.legaldiaries (@annas.legaldiaries) posted on Instagram March 22, 2021 16:50