0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by aliceattemptslaw Published July 5 2020 01:45 PM Do any of you use revision books? I can’t help but feel woefully underprepared for my conversion course this September, so bought one of the concentrate books in the hopes that I can read through it and even if I don’t fully understand all of it, that when I get taught it next year some parts might sound familiar to me. I also bought the Q&A so that I can use that closer to exams to learn technique. Maybe I’ll try to make my way through the revision guides for all of the seven core modules before my course starts, even though I’m well aware that these are meant to be used to consolidate things you’ve already learnt 😂 Obviously I can’t tell you just yet if this will end up being useful or not, so if anyone has any tips or advice on how to prepare for the start of a law degree/masters then I’m all ears! aliceattemptslaw (@aliceattemptslaw) posted on Instagram July 05, 2020 12:45