0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by aliceattemptslaw Published Oct. 4 2020 08:48 AM My first week of law school is done!!!! They weren’t messing around when they said that the MA Law was intense, but so far I’m loving it! It is a huge change from a coursework based degree that had hardly any work to do outside of lectures and seminars but I’m learning how to manage it all. It is hard having to do it at home and not being able to go to the library for longer than a three hour slot, but the library has definitely helped me get into a routine as well at the wonderful pret subscription that means I have somewhere else I can go and study each day! Hope everyone else’s weeks/weeks at uni have been great, and if you have any tips on coping with the stacks and stacks of work there is to do to prep for workshops then feel free to share ✨ aliceattemptslaw (@aliceattemptslaw) posted on Instagram October 04, 2020 07:48