Live Prospectus - by the people who know us best, our students

Instagram shot by aliceattemptslaw

Sooooo folks this is gonna be a new thing for me but I’m going to start this new thing where at the end of each week I reflect back on my week: some highlights, some lowlights, and what I want to manifest/my hopes for the coming week. For now they may not be fully law based but the plan is for it to just be honest and open 😅 So this past week as we know was the Legal Cheek virtual vac scheme! I made a separate post reflecting on that but that has definitely been a highlight for me thanks to all the amazing speakers and the friends I’ve made during that. Another highlight was my dads birthday! My sister and I joined together to get him some really fancy coffee, and I loved being able to give him something we knew he’d love. I also went on a dog walk with some friends and that was very comforting for my soul. I haven’t really had many low points this week, but I guess the main one would be my final Tuesday with my church’s student group back in Brighton, and the fact that my sister couldn’t hug her dad on his bday but had to stay away because she doesn’t live with us right now. This coming week I am going to be going to Cornwall with my mum for her business reasons, and Cornwall always makes me feel better, and I’m also going to get my hair done when the hairdressers open again! And then the big one is that I get my dissertation results and results from another module on the 3rd so please every one pray that I haven’t failed those 😂

aliceattemptslaw (@aliceattemptslaw) posted on Instagram