0 Likes Like This 1 Like #LiveProspectus Instagram shot by u_law Published Apr. 1 2016 02:48 PM #Repost @emilycoxycox with @repostapp. ・・・ Studying tonight consists of large business law text book, salted caramel green tea and Nakd bakewell tart raw fruit and nut bar #nakdbar #nakd #nakdbakewelltart #rawfruitandnutbar #vegan #eatnakd #wholefood #nature #saltedcaramelgreentea #greentea #twinings #tea #LPC #law #lawschool #studying #ulaw #student #traineesolicitor #cleaneating #clean #resolutions #goodfood #wholesome #raw #snack #instapic #instagram #instagood The University of Law (@u_law) posted on Instagram January 11, 2016 00:13