0 Likes Like This 3 Like #LiveProspectus Instagram shot by u_law Published Aug. 12 2016 12:55 PM #Repost @kateolivia123 with @repostapp ・・・ As much as I intended to be starting my LPC this year, I didn't expect that I actually would be! After a shitty start to the year, I'm finally turning things around! These last two months have been a real turning point for me, and I'm finally doing things for me and putting myself first!! #happygirl #movingon #fighter #progress #lawgraduate #universityoflaw #lpc #lawstudent #freshstart #newhome #nextsteps #happy #lookingafternumberone #student #backtouni #chestercampus #2016intake #classof2018 The University of Law (@u_law) posted on Instagram August 09, 2016 11:53