Live Prospectus - by the people who know us best, our students

Instagram shot by nikita.snaps

Scrolling through my camera roll and completely forgot to mention a virtual talk I attended hosted by u_law. ā€¢ This was all about the future skills law students will need when transitioning into practising lawyers. This really gave an insight into how technology is constantly challenging law firms and how these firms need to update their databases - but also how can one firm stand out from the other in order to pick up a higher clientele list, now moving into a generation where methods n processes will all be the same. ā€¢ A very interesting talk and Iā€™m so glad I attended. Keep an eye out for free virtual talks n events happening - it really helps develop an insight & gives you more things to put on your CV !! ā€¢ Hoping everyone is well and safe šŸ¤ ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€” #lawstudent #lawlife #legalprofession #womeninthelaw #universityoflaw #lawyers

nikita.snaps (@nikita.snaps) posted on Instagram